
 Teen Therapy

Being a teenager can be really challenging.

Navigating the ever-increasing pressure to fit in, grow up, do well in school, and explore who you are is a lot for any human being to experience. Experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma, eating disorders, or any other mental health concern just adds to the already-heavy load you may be carrying as an adolescent. We get it — and promise you that you’re not alone. 

Our team of highly-skilled therapists works with teens to improve mental health, learn tools for emotional regulation, and cope with whatever challenges they may be facing. We take a personalized approach and know that every human being is unique and requires their own individualized care and treatment.

We use a variety of therapeutic methods including EMDR, IFS, Somatic Experiencing, and psychotherapy

We specialize in a range of areas including: 

  • Anxiety

  • Trauma

  • Depression  

  • Panic attacks

  • Eating disorder recovery


  • Identity

  • Grief 

  • Relationship issues